Hello, I’m Sofi Smith. Freelance designer and web developer

Exeter based designer and frontend developer delivering creative branding, web design and WordPress projects throughout the UK and sometimes abroad. I work with a variety of clients directly including start-ups, independents and corporates, and also alongside Agencies. I am passionate about creating beautiful, functional and easy to use websites that help businesses engage their audience and improve sales.

👋 Say hi What I do


Illustration and Web Design for workspace solution software

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Website design and UX for Sentai, the digital care solution that helps care providers enhance and extend their services using smart, in-home technology

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Web design and development for architectural visualisation studio.

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United Purpose

Full rebranding and brand guidelines for the Charity United Purpose.

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Danielle Peazer

Re-branding and bespoke membership website design and development for fitness inspiration Danielle Peazer.

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David Ralph

Minimal showcase website design and development for commercial fashion and editorial photographer.

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Web Design


Web Design


Branding Web Design


Branding Web Design


Web Design


Web Design

David Ralph

Web Design Web Development Wordpress

David Ralph

Web Design Web Development Wordpress

United Purpose

Branding Logo Design

United Purpose

Branding Logo Design

Osain Organics

Branding Logo Design

Osain Organics

Branding Logo Design